
Generally there are 3 types of retaining wall used in Landscaping, which type is determined by budget and what type of ground is to be retained. If you consider the options below you will identify your type of wall both in appearance and suitability:
Where you have new ground or ground that is likely to move a flat laid 6 inch thick concrete block would be the most suitable as it's heavy and strong. If the face of the wall is hidden then there is no need to do anything with the surface. This would be the most cost effective wall, however if the face was visible some form of facing would be required as it is not particularly attractive in the landscaping context. Facing of this type of wall could be, exterior masonry paint, render or facing brick. Using facing bricks is the most costly approach however it does provide the best long lasting finish.

You could have an edge laid 4 inch concrete block along with a facing brick which is a good way to build a strong wall and still have an attractive finish. Providing the back of the wall is hidden.
If you require a perimeter wall it would be double facing brick as it can be seen from both sides. This is the most expensive type of wall. As bricks have holes in them the wall needs to be capped either with a flat type or Apex type of copping.
Bricks laid on their edge (known as soldiers) is a cheap option for capping, but in our view it's a false economy as the mortar line becomes saturated and in frost causes the brick to disintegrate. Facing brick walls should be sealed to protect the face from the weather.

Sleeper walls for areas where the ground is hard packed and not likely to slip is a popular option. This is where sleepers are laid on their edge and slotted into I beams set vertically into a concrete foundation.
These walls soften the look of a garden and are attractive they are also very easy to repair and maintain. It also has more of a natural look in the garden.
All wall should have some form of coping to protect the brick works or sleeper. With sleeper wall we use decking board, with brick and block we use either flat tile or Apex coping.